Risk Management Education Program

Stay ahead of risks and prevent claims with practical education tailored for all aspects of legal practice.

Event Registration

Register for our Risk Management Education Program

Online and face-to-face events

Effective client relationship management and risk mitigation go hand in hand.

Explore the key risks around client selection, engagement setup, matter progression, expectation management and client satisfaction.

Getting the fundamentals of practice right is critical when ensuring risk is managed.

Examine the key risks associated with matter management, including the analysis of legal issues and client problems, the development of strategies and working plans, and the efficient and accurate progression of matters.

Good communication is the cornerstone of every legal practice.

Examine what good communication in legal practice looks like, its relationship to risk, how claims eventuate, and why strong communication is key to managing risk and preventing claims.

Effective business management and claims prevention go hand in hand.

Examine the link between poor business management and risk, structural and operational risks in legal practice, and key strategies that can help prevent claims and strengthen your legal practice business.

Good financial management is good risk management.

Examine the link between poor financial management and claims risk, what effective financial management looks like, and strategies to put in place to strengthen financial systems and mitigate risks.

For employed solicitors and paralegals.

Examine key risk areas including client engagement, matter management and communication. Explore how to identify risk and what can be done to manage risk effectively and prevent claims.

For legal practice support staff.

Examine the role that support staff play in managing risk, including client engagement, matter management, communication, and risk identification. Explore risk management strategies and how support staff can play an important and active role in preventing claims.

Explore the unique risks around costs disclosure and costs recovery, and how claims in this area can be prevented.

Examine the risks that lead to claims in family law and how these claims can be prevented.

Highlights the key risks in litigation practice, including claims against solicitors and how these claims can be prevented.

Look at the risks associated with conveyancing transactions, claims against solicitors in this area, and how these claims can be prevented.

Highlights the risks associated with mortgage transactions and solicitors acting for either lessors or lessees in commercial leasing.

Examine claims in these areas and how they can be prevented.

Look at the risks that lead to claims in the sale and purchase of business and measures that can be taken to prevent these claims.

Explore key risks and claims against solicitors practicing estate planning and estate administration, and how these claims can be prevented.

Examine key risks and claims against solicitors drafting Powers of Attorney, acting on instructions from attorneys, and advising executors where there has been an active Powers of Attorney.

Examine cyber risks unique to legal practice and effective strategies for cybersecurity risk management, including handling cyber claims and adopting preventive measures.

Lawcover’s Claims Prevention Roadshows provide solicitors with the opportunity to access face-to-face risk management education, which includes examining recent cases and claims, as well as risk management and claims prevention strategies across key areas of law.

Lawcover’s annual One Day Claims Prevention Seminar examines current and emerging risks in legal practice across key legal practice areas with claims prevention strategies to manage risk in your practice.

Register early as this conference is always fully subscribed.

Further information

If you are interested in Lawcover providing an in-house risk management presentation please contact Practice Support Services on (02) 9286 8877 or  for more information.

Satisfactory completion of a workshop or seminar requires:

  • Active participation
  • Attendance for the full duration of the workshop
  • Full payment of the applicable fee prior to attendance
  • Participants who arrive late, move in and out of the workshop, take lengthy telephone calls, absent themselves from sessions, return late from breaks, decline to take part in discussions, or fail to pay fees, do not meet the guidelines for satisfactory completion.

Can I claim CPD points for participation in Lawcover’s workshops, courses and seminars?

For practitioners in New South Wales, your CPD obligations are set out in the  The Law Society of New South Wales publishes information about your CPD obligations here: 

For practitioners in Northern Territory, your CPD obligations are set out in Schedule 2 of the  and the Law Society of Northern Territory has published a 

For Practitioners in Australian Capital Territory, mandatory CPD is imposed as a condition on your practising certificate. The ACT Law Society website has published  for Canberra legal practitioners.

You are responsible for assessing your CPD activities and allocating them against the CPD fields to ensure you have met your CPD obligations

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