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Premium Discounts

Risk Management Education Program (RMEP) Premium Discounts
RMEP Premium Discounts – 2025/26
Initial Eligibility
Category Discount Conditions
3 x Principals Workshops 7.5% All principals of a law practice must complete at least 3 Principals Workshops before 31 March in the year of renewal. All 3 workshops must be completed by each principal within 3 years of completion of the first workshop by that principal.
5 x Principals Workshops 10% All principals of a law practice must complete all 5 Principals Workshops before 31 March in the year of renewal. All 5 workshops must be completed by each principal within 3 years of completion of the first workshop by that principal.
Principals Workshops
Workshop 1 | All about the Client
Workshop 2 | All about the Matter
Workshop 3 | All about the Communication
Workshop 4 | All about the Business
Workshop 5 | All about the Dollar

Practices that achieve an initial discount of 7.5% can increase the discount to 10% by completing the remaining 1 or 2 Principals Workshops within 3 years.


Ongoing Eligibility
After a law practice has become eligible for a premium discount by completing the workshops above, it can maintain its eligibility in future policy years provided all principals successfully complete one of the Maintenance Events before 31 March in the year of renewal.
Maintenance Events
Principals Workshops (see above)

Risk Briefings

  • Traps in Costs
  • Traps in Sale and Purchase of Business
  • Traps in Family Law
  • Traps in Litigation
  • Traps in Property: Conveyancing
  • Traps in Property: Mortgages & Leases
  • Traps in Wills & Estates
  • Traps in Powers of Attorney
  • Cyber Risks: The traps for law practices
  • Recent Cases and Claims

Claims Prevention Seminars

  • One Day Claims Prevention Seminar
  • Regional and Suburban Claims Prevention Roadshows
Other RMEP Premium Discount Conditions
Attendance by all Principals
In order to obtain the RMEP discount, all principals must have successfully completed the required Risk Management Workshops or Maintenance Events before 31 March each year.
Where a law practice satisfies the requirements for initial eligibility, but one or more of the principals fails to successfully complete at least 1 Maintenance Event before 31 March 2025, the law practice will lose its premium discount in 2025/26. The discount may be reinstated in the following policy year if the one or more principals who failed to complete the Maintenance Event attend 2 Maintenance Events before 31 March 2026. The remaining principals will be required to attend only 1 Maintenance Event.
Where a law practice fails to complete its maintenance requirements for 2 or more policy years, it will be required to comply with the initial eligibility requirements to again be eligible for the discount.
New Principals
Employment or promotion of a new principal in a law practice may affect the law practice’s discount eligibility if the principal does not attend the required number of Principals Workshops.
For the law practice to retain its RMEP discount, all new principals are required to attend the relevant Principals Workshops within 12 months of becoming a principal.
If the new principal has successfully completed the relevant Principals Workshops (while they were working at another law practice for example), they will not be required to attend the Principals Workshops again, however they will be subject to the usual requirements for ongoing eligibility (successfully completing 1 Maintenance Event by 31 March each year).
Future Years
Lawcover reserves the right to review ongoing RMEP discounts which are subject to Lawcover’s discretion.
Policy Year is the duration of your Lawcover PII policy commencing 1 July and ending 30 June (12 months).
Successful completion of a Workshop or Maintenance Event requires payment, attendance and participation for the full duration of the Workshop or Maintenance Event.
Principals are sole practitioners, partners and legal practitioner directors of a law practice.


Other Premium Discounts – 2025/26

CATEGORY Discount Conditions
ISO 9001  12.5%

Law practices are entitled to this premium discount if they are certified to the requisite standard by 30 June annually. A copy of their current certificate must be provided confirming that certification will remain current for the following policy year.

Please note the ISO 9001 discount is NOT cumulative with the RMEP discounts.
Criminal Law 20% For law practices whose Gross Fee Income for the prior year is exclusively derived from:

  • Matters which, if litigated, would be litigated in the criminal jurisdiction of any court
  • Appellate work that flows from such litigation
  • Any other advice or litigation that directly flows from such litigation
  • Matters that are the subject of Commissions of Inquiry which may result in a recommendation for criminal prosecution
Low Claims or No Claims Discount Up To 15% A law practice may receive a claims discount if it has had a good claims experience for five consecutive years.


Please Note:

  • The total maximum premium discount of any type achievable for any law practice is 30%
  • This includes any Risk Management premium discount, no claims discount and criminal law discount that might be applicable
  • Some law practices pay the minimum premium based on low GFI. For 2025/26, the minimum premium is $220.00 (plus GST and stamp duty, where applicable)
  • It is important to note that the premium discounts referred to on this page do not apply where a law practice pays the minimum premium
  • Where a law practice pays more than the minimum premium, but the application of a premium discount would result in a premium of less than the minimum, the law practice will only be entitled to a discount which generates the minimum premium