Complaints Handling Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with an aspect of Lawcover’s products or services and you are unable to resolve your concerns through discussions with the relevant Lawcover staff member, we invite you to make a complaint or express your grievance.

Lawcover is committed to handling complaints and grievances fairly and expeditiously.

Lawcover defines a complaint as a written statement from an insured solicitor detailing an alleged or actual breach of Lawcover’s legal duties, policies, procedures or service standards which requires a review of a decision or change in action by Lawcover.

A grievance is a written statement from an insured solicitor which expresses dissatisfaction but does not require action. A grievance also includes a statement of dissatisfaction from a third party who is not an insured solicitor.

We request that the complaint is put in writing and forwarded to:

Complaints Officer


Level 13, 383 Kent Street


By telephone: (02) 9264 8855
By email: Email submission

Please include the following information, if you are comfortable in doing so:

  • Full name, address and other contact details; and
  • If the complaint is against a staff member, the name of the staff member; and
  • Details of the complaint and desired outcome.
  • Your complaint will be acknowledged and investigated by or with the oversight of the Complaints Officer, the Chief Executive Officer or other Executive Manager with oversight of the relevant operational area will be involved in the resolution of the matter, unless a conflict arises.
  • You will receive a written response to your complaint within 10 business days of our initial acknowledgment provided all the necessary information is available and the investigation has been completed. Where further information is required, we will agree on a reasonable timeframe for a response with you. If a timeframe cannot be agreed, a timeframe will be set by Lawcover’s Chief Executive Officer.
  • If you are not satisfied with our response, you may request a further review, which will be undertaken by Lawcover’s Chief Executive Officer or other Executive Manager, subject to any conflict issues. A final written response will be provided to you within 10 business days of your request for a further review.

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