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Event resources

Lawcover is here to support you.

Lawcover’s focus is protecting and supporting the professional indemnity needs of our insured law practices and the lawyers who practise within them.

We have compiled a range of supplementary event resources that you may find helpful in managing the risks of practice.

Risk Management Education Program Events (RMEP)

Risk management education for principals and their staff wherever they are located and whatever the stage of their career.

View events

RMEP Premium

Premium discounts for participation in Lawcover’s Risk Management Education Program (RMEP)

Cyber Resources

Stay up-to-date about cyber risks to

your law practice and how you can mitigate this evolving business risk. If you experience a cyber incident, contact 1800 4BREACH (1800 427 322) or


Practice Support Services online resources


Risk Online

Online e-learning modules to be completed whenever it is convenient to you

Short Minutes

A collection of short videos on the risks in your practice as highlighted by recent claims or cases

Risk on Air

A collection of podcasts discussing risks in your practice as highlighted by recent claims or cases